COVID-19 – How can Kiwi Kids help?

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Hello New Zealand teachers,

Well, what a couple of weeks we have had in New Zealand and around the world. As I write and reflect it seems surreal what is happening. However, it is inspiring to see the attitude of our teachers and students. Kia kaha, New Zealand.

This email is to let you know what the Kiwi Kids News website is doing to help teachers in New Zealand during this time.

Firstly, you can count on us to supply your students with 4 or 5 quality news articles each day. We have been working hard to ensure we provide students with a range of articles and just not write about COVID-19. This focus will continue.

For our schools that are subscribed to our website, thank you. You will still have access to our weekly feature articles, homework booklet and the weekly news quiz. These will continue as normal. Please ensure that your students know your school username and password.
If you are not signed up please CLICK HERE to see our low school-wide subscription rates.

During this unprecedented time, we will be developing some other resources for you to use with students.

One resource that we will be bringing in is Kiwi Kids News Daily. This is a daily learning resource where we will supply your students with a writing task, a reading task, a maths task and also an ‘extra’ task. These will be up on the website by 8 am each day.
Please CLICK HERE for an example

We also have created a ‘Bingo Board of Awesomeness. This is a grid of 16 fun tasks for students to do around the house. As much as possible they are computer free tasks.
Please CLICK HERE for an example.

If you have any questions, ideas or feedback please feel free to contact us.

Kind regards,

Shem Banbury

Categories: NewsResources